Sunday, December 25, 2005


even as you hold
shattered crystal
of your world
in your hands.

at the beauty of
each shimmering shard
swimming in
its ocean of red.

as red coalesces
ever so slowly
crystal morphs into ruby
glows with a roseate hue.

Saturday, December 24, 2005


i understand all about
tests, reports, worries,
scans, chemos, radios,
pains, fevers, nauseas,
and all the unnamed horrors.

please take care.
have your meds and nutrients.
inhale some fresh air.
pause to smell flowers,
watch the moon and stars.

please smile.
when you smile
all the good hormones
flow through your bodies
and help you heal soon.

please do not give up.
have seen many miracles.
am praying for more.
praying for a miracle
for each one of you.

for my very special friends.

Thursday, December 22, 2005


take the sun away.
let me hide
in the deep dark crevices
of my mind.
let thoughts be
locked forever
in the labyrinths
of silent synapses.


no matter
how deep the shadow
how dark the eclipse
sun smiles
as a diamond.

Saturday, December 10, 2005



may become


but hope dreams
in translucent leaves
of the Bodhi.

Saturday, December 03, 2005


structure functionalism
conflict functionalism
symbolic interactionism

so many more isms…
what are isms really?

facets of reality?
frames of reference
to understand the universe?

beliefs to hold
when all else is uncertain?

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


he sits by the wall
ribs, bones, chin on knees.
clutches himself tight
to hold the hunger.
we pass by
gaze averted
hoping for nirvana.

Monday, November 21, 2005


tattered clothes bare feet
children seek treasures
in the garbage heap.
fog rises
to hide our shame.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

pre teens

what a funny name!
what if we called
the adults pre old?

we are older now
strong, sharp, eager, free
its fun, frolic, energy!

we have many friends!
we play, jump, jest, joust.
we talk, scream, shout.

they tell us so many things,
you don’t talk about.
you never ever discuss.

when we ask
you are too busy
or fudge the answers.

oh well, we have net,
tv, our network
we will find out soon.

but some of the things
that we find
are so confusing!?!

why don’t you sit down
and discuss these things
patiently with us?

why do you always order?
when we ask questions,
why don’t you explain?

it would really help
if you could spend time
just to talk to us.

for all the tweens

Monday, November 14, 2005


i bring hope,
from heavens above.

i colour your world
with glorious hues,
incessant chatter.

i can sense
your worries.
tiny frowns tell me all.

smile, all will be fine.
you look so charming
when you smile.

hold my hand.
i feel so sure when
you are beside me.

i like to explore
laugh jump play
skip sing dance.

please don’t shout.
give me time.
so much to find out!

don’t try to mould me
to the rigid rules
of your society.

treat me like
you would treat
an honoured guest.

for i am your child
to hold and cherish,
only for a while.

for all the little children

Sunday, November 13, 2005


An event occurs. Many people watch it.

After a while if we ask the people to narrate the event, the results are very interesting.

Each person narrates the event but emphasizes the parts of the event that are most important to him or her.

Any one can try this experiment. Tell a new story or enact a new play before an audience. After some time, ask each person to narrate the story or play separately and note the difference.

We tend to absorb information selectively, depending upon our past experiences, our previous knowledge, our physical state, our emotional state, our mental state and the state to which our persona has evolved.

Saturday, November 05, 2005


when i was a child,
i asked many questions.
i was told
"You will know when you reach college."

i did
and asked.
"You will know when you are older."
"Seek and you shall find."

i did
i read
i explored
i asked revered teachers.
i sat at the feet of Gurus
hoping for answers.

the questions
are still with me.

Monday, October 31, 2005


as i walk the earth
my soul wanders
hears whispers
of people never heard,
never talked about.

they live on the brink
for they are
not normal?
not whole?
differently abled?

it’s easy
stick a new label
and forget
the whole thing.
how many
do we need
we really do something?

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Dear Folks,

Thank you for passing the message about "Poorly differentiated embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma“ along. People I have never met before have given good advice and offered to find more information about latest developments in this area. I am now a member of a group related to sarcoma and a mailing list too.

The young teenager is under proper medical care at one of the best hospitals in India. He has had chemo and radiotherapy for a year. He is fine now and has to go for follow ups every 3 months. The disease is not very common and the real danger is recurrence. That is why we are trying to get in touch with people who have been through this.

He is very creative, very brave. He paints and writes very well. We are hoping and praying for the best.

Thanking you,

Monday, October 17, 2005

Poorly differentiated embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma

Dear folks,

Please, if you know of any one who has fought against “Poorly differentiated embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma“, or has a child suffering from this disease, request them to mail me at

I know this young teenager who is fighting very bravely against this disease. The original malignant tumors have disappeared. Now there is a follow up every 3 months.

Is there any thing that can be done to prevent recurrence?

I have gone through the material on the net. It is mostly technical, meant for doctors. I need to get in touch with people who have won against this or are fighting against this. We need practical advice.

I hope and pray that no child ever suffers from this disease. If you have children or teenagers around, please ask them to inform you of any unusual growth or lumps. Early detection increases the chance of cure. Growing children may be painfully sensitive and shy. Please encourage them to communicate.

Please pass this message to as many people as possible.

Thanking you,
Nirupma Kapoor

Monday, October 10, 2005

Earth Speak

my core is heavy
winds awry
crust quavers
oceans surge askew.

melting glaciers
exploding volcanoes
floods famines fires.
changes in weather.

how long do you think
can I bear
the burden
of all your misdeeds?

pile concrete
upon my crust,
dig hollows
to steal my gold,
belch poisons
into my air,
pour rank filth
into my waters,
kill all species
for your greed.

and now
you drop bombs
fire missiles
by mega tons.

do you think
my crust
does not weaken
when you drop bombs?
do you think
heat and pressure
do not disturb
the dynamic balance
of winds and oceans?

why do you need weapons?
to kill all life?
once a weapon is made
it will be used for sure.

I have watched
for eons.
species have come
and gone.

if you do not
you may as well
be the next.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Dr. Tara

My sincere thanks once again to all the people who passed the information about Dr. Tarachand. By now we have received a number of letters, photographs and diaries.

His daughter Rachna is taking care of all this material. She has started posting some of this material on , a web log named after Dr. Tara’s granddaughter.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Voluntary Experiments by Social Groups

Social Technology for a Better Future

Even as the society and the culture that we live in influences us, we have the power to influence our society.

In fact, we are responsible for creating our own society. Instead of being passive recipients of social influences, we can form voluntary groups in the neighborhood and try different social formations and determine their effects.

It has been observed that when children are cared for by a number of people that is parents, close relatives and people in the neighborhood; they tend to be more confident, emotionally secure, social and willing to learn as compared to the children of single working parents or isolated nuclear families where both the parents are working.

Parents in a neighborhood could form groups and take turns to look after the children. They could coordinate their free time in such a manner that some adult parents are available to the children when they need them. They could visit the local crèche, school and playground and keep actively in touch with the children in the neighborhood.
Many such formations can be conceived, debated, tried and kept if they benefit the community.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Ethics, Values and Norms

Social Technology for a Better Future

Anthropologists have studied so many different cultures and societies. We have seen a wide variety of ethical beliefs, values and norms.

As we interact with people from different cultures and society we see that some values seem to be treasured by most of societies. On the other hand there are norms and rules that vary from one society to another. Are there any universal values? If so which values? Honesty, Compassion?

Misunderstandings occur for we do not have a clear idea of the values and norms of other cultures. Values and norms are deeply embedded in the psyche of individuals. They are not static either. They seem to adapt to the changing world at variable pace in different societies.

We need to conduct research to determine the strands that are common to most of the societies and the skeins that are different. This would become possible by the accurate data gathering tools developed by information and communication technology. Such studies would be needed repeatedly because of the dynamic nature of the variables involved.

This will hopefully lead to better understanding and tolerance amongst various cultures, societies and groups.

Friday, September 30, 2005

True Democracy

Social Technology for a Better Future

At the moment we have indirect democracy. We elect people who are supposed to represent us.

Let us look at the democracies around the world.

Can every person vote? We know that some people can not vote because they are not registered. Some are coerced by the powerful to vote for them. We are all familiar with rigging, ballot snatching, class, caste, race equations.

Who can stand for an election? Only those, who can spend money to campaign. They generally gather funds from people, corporate houses or MNCs with a tacit understanding that favours would be returned.

What do we get too choose? This political party or that.First one party, then the other, then the first…. The condition of the ordinary people does not improve.

What do we land up with? A kind of oligarchy, mostly unresponsive governance that is riddled with inefficiency and corruption. Most of the time the governments just mess along till it is time for the next election. They do not generally reflect the opinion of the people.

They hardly represent the people who elected them.

When accurate data gathering becomes possible we may be able to vote for issues that affect us directly. We could have a direct vote on any issue as and when required. This could again be stared in a small way, at local level of a village or a city. It could then be extended to larger areas.

Information and Communication Technology for Accurate Data Collection

Social Technology for a Better Future

At this point in history when all the cultures meet, when information moves at the speed of light, we are in a position to find what is best for all of us. We can us gather the opinion of all the people on the issues that concern us most by using information and communication technology.

Websites and TV channels already use email, telephones and SMS to gather opinions. However such polls are not very accurate yet because one person may vote many times and some people may not get to vote at all. For accurate data gathering we need:

1. Our IT experts to develop some method of authentication, perhaps Biometrics to ensure that each person votes only once.

2. This technology has to be simple and inexpensive so that it can reach all the people.

If a concerted effort is made in this direction, hopefully in a few years we will be able to know the true opinion of the people on a given issue.

In further future it may also be possible for people not just to choose between yes/no or choose one of the few options but space to express and record their opinion and suggestions in voice or written text.

The database and computing capabilities needed for such an enterprise would be very large. Perhaps they can be distributed. Initially a prototype would have to be designed and tested for a small region like a village or a city. It could then be slowly extended to larger areas.

Integration of Knowledge

Social Technology for a Better future

Through the collective effort of various generations of human beings, we have gathered a vast amount of knowledge. This has been possible only because of our unique ability to store and transmit knowledge from one generation to another.

This knowledge is not mere survival skills transferred by other species. This vast body of knowledge has helped human beings to progress gradually and build a complex civilization.

At this point in time we are the only species on this planet that uses symbols and words to solve problems, convey ideas, thoughts and emotions. We draw, paint, make music, choreograph dance, create beautiful buildings and build new marvels of technology. We are driven by the desire to know the secrets of life, to create beauty, to explore the universe. We classify, formalize, codify all we learn, be it music or mathematics.

This has lead to greater and greater specialization in many diverse fields. One human being in the course of one life time can perhaps specialize in 1 or 2 to 5 different areas.

What we need now is that the people who have in depth knowledge of their field should join hands with people in other fields to try and integrate knowledge. Regular discussions on the internet, meetings and brainstorming could help.

A social sector worker may have great understanding of the problems of the society but may be totally unaware of the strides made in Biology or Technology that could help solve these problems. The integration of knowledge may provide us with insights to solve the complex social problems. It may allow us to look at the larger picture.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Social Technology for a Better Future

Social Technology is the art and craft of applying technology and social knowledge to enhance the human condition.

Social Tecnology can help all the people on this planet. All of us need to think very carefully about the following:

• At this point in time we need to integrate all knowledge.

• With information and communication technology we can gather thoughts and opinions of all the people on the earth.

• We can have true democracy; Voting on issues not simply voting for people who are unable to take care of the major issues.

• Ethics: Which values are universal? Honesty? Compassion? Which values/norms and practice vary from culture? We can determine this by using information technology.

• Voluntary Experiments by social groups can help us try new social formations and observe their advantages.

Friday, September 23, 2005


we stand at the edge
looking back.
all swallowed by time.

we know we are not strong
nor handsome.
trembling hands
fading memories
wrinkles darkening skins.

we can barely hear
the bird song
as the night
casts its dark shadow
in our eyes.

when you were children
all queries
all stories
were repeated umpteen times.

we know you are busy
maintaining lifestyles.
problems of living
punishing schedules
lie heavy on your shoulders.

all we seek
is a smile,
a patient hearing
when we forget and repeat
the same old stories.

do not banish us
to old people’s homes
it is lonely there.
allow us to share
the laughter of grandchildren.

springs will come and go
and you will find us
in the looking glass.
please, if we must live
let us live with dignity.

Sunday, September 18, 2005


don’t bind us to dogma

don’t coerce us
to marry,
nor sell us
for a bride price.

don’t burn us
for a dowry,
nor batter us
as we are married.

don’t take us
for granted.
we are not
for honour killing.

we are strong.
we tread our own path
create bliss
enrich life-space-time.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

girl child

don’t kill me
before i am born.
don’t kill me
after i am born.

mutilate my body,
burden me with work,
molest me,
blame that i am beautiful,
abuse me.

i want
to breathe,
read and write,
play and scream,
sing and dance,

i want
to touch the sun,
twinkle the stars,
race the wind,
i want to fly.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Aid ?

Now it is Niger aid that is misdirected.

Why can we not manage the aid distribution any better?

Why is it that when people spend other people’s money, they manage to waste most of it and use some of it for self gain?

Monday, September 12, 2005


I thank Dr. Manmohan Singh and his wife Mrs. Malti Singh for sending the following information via email.

After his intermediate (science) education, Dr. Tara Chandra was
admitted to King George Medical College, Lucknow, in the year 1944. Soon
after his MBBS, which he completed with flying colours, he took up short
service commission in Army Medical Core. After his discharge from Army, he
resumed his post graduate studies at K.G. Medical College, Lucknow, and
passed his MD (Medicine). Dr. Tara Chandra, has all through been a good
sportsman. He excelled in Hockey and represented in many of the league
matches in Uttar Pradesh. After his MD (Medicine) he joined Clara Swain
Methodist Mission Hospital, Bareilly, UP. As the luck would have it,
instead of practicing medicine he took up Thoracic Surgery, which he started
learning from scratch under the guidance of Dr. Parrell in Mission Hospital,
Bareilly. Although, it was a challenging job, but he did it so well that
the patients as well as his colleagues marveled his result. He worked in
team with Dr. Parrell and Dr.Earnest Sundharam at the Mission Hospital,

He joined the U.P. Medical Services, where he worked for some
tim e and then posted as Medical Superintendent and Surgeon in K.E. TB
Sanatorium at Bhowali. During his second fruitful years of life he did a
lot of good work and service to humanity. Because of his honesty and good
work, the local people were not only jealous, but some times he had tough
time in solving the local disputes and union activities of the hospital. He
also worked in ESI Corporation and was posted in Kanpur.

Dr. Tara Chandra, a medical specialist by education, who turned
out to be an eminent Thoracic Surgeon, was an honest and devoted worker who
will be remembered for times to come.

He is survived by his wife, Dr. Shanti Tarachandra who is also a
specialist and trained anaesthiest.

He had four daughters and a son, who are all well settled.

Dr. Tara Chandra, breathed his last on 26 June, 2005, after a brief illness.

This tragedy was aggravated when the aggrieved family got the
news about the sad demise of his son in U.S.A., which took place a month
earlier than his own death.

Dr. Tara Chandra was a friend of friends and always eager to
help anybody or everybody, in need.

© Dr. Manmohan Singh and Mrs. Malti Singh

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Song of the Oppressed

we stand
in the middle of nowhere.

hapless hands
barren bodies
eyes beyond hope.

death takes us
as you confer
in air conditioned halls.

you divide people.
colour, caste, creed
any excuse is fine.

you wage wars
sow hatred
for your own petty gains.

for ages
you have plundered
our wealth, food, our raiment.

crushed viciously
scream together in silence.

who exploit us
will never rest in peace.

of dying children
will haunt your children.

of silent screams
will shatter your homes.

you seek to enslave
our bodies,
minds and souls.

but against all odds
we will live
beyond forever.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Thank You

My sincere thanks to all the people who passed this link along. I have received a number of messages from people who knew Dr. Tarachand and who are happy to know about a person like him. I met ‘uncle’ Tara only in the 90s.

The following document has been given to me by his daughter Rachna:

Dr. Tarachand was born in 1929. He studied at KGMC in the 50s. He did his specialization at CMC Vellore. He was with the Army on a Short Service Commission for a while.

He was the first thoracic cardiac surgeon in U.P. He worked with Dr. Pomeroy and Dr. Earnest Sundaram at Clara Swain Mission Hospital at Bareily from 1956 to 60. He was well known for performing free surgeries for the poor.

He was also a specialist in medicine. He worked at King Edward VII T.B. Sanatorium Bhowali, Nainital from 1960-73.

Then he worked at T.B. Hospitals in Saharanpur, Kanpur and Faizabad from 1973 -83.

He retired as the director ESI from Kanpur in 1986.

All through his life, he and his wife worked for various charities. He continued to work for charity till the end.

© Rachna

Saturday, September 03, 2005

A Star

Dear Dr. Tarachand,

I don’t even know if there are souls. I really hope there are. Perhaps the souls can read all those electronic bits and bytes floating in space.

I am not going to let you die unsung. People don’t die. They live in our memories. I am going to do my level best to ensure that people know you and remember you.

Way back when I was not even born, you were one of the first few intelligent doctors who realized that the major drug companies were dumping untested medicines in the poorer countries and using people as guinea pigs. And you fought against it.

You worked so hard to help people all the time. You were so kind and generous! I know you spent your own money to buy medicines for your poor patients. I have met so many people who remember you as a kind, warm and giving person. People called you Dr. Tara or Dr. Chandra, the radiant star and the moon.

I know how you fought against corruption. I miss all those discussions about God and people.

No palatial homes, no flashy cars. A fine, strong, honest gentleman who stood firm against injustice and corruption, who worked very hard to help others, that is how I remember you.

Where ever you are; in heaven or a soul being reborn, I hope you are happy and at peace.

Greatest regards,

P. S. Please pass this link along. I know that there are a lot of people who knew Dr. Tarachand. We have just lost contact. Those of you who knew Dr. Tarachand and his work please contribute anecdotes, pictures or any other material that you have. I will upload it with your name and your ownership rights.

Saturday, August 27, 2005


We create
our own Gods,
our Heavens,
our own Hells,
our Devils,
here on earth.

Friday, August 26, 2005


thoughts touch minds
ever so gently.
and so very slowly,
ideas captivate souls.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


what is unsaid
is more important than
all that is said.

Sunday, August 21, 2005


spaces between words
hover tenuously
to savor a nuance.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Generation Next

As a society, we really need to look at ourselves very carefully. What do we value most? What is most important in our lives? Do we really care what happens to the generation next?

If we are really concerned about the generations to come, we need to give them more thought, time and resources.

The questions that we need to ponder upon are:

• What do we hope to achieve when we wish to educate our children?
• Why are we teaching whatever we are teaching in our schools and colleges?
• How can we reach our goals so that the children enjoy the process of learning?
• How can we evaluate without causing spiritual, mental, emotional and physical stress?
• Why are the school teachers, lecturers and professors paid the least?
• How can we expect quality when a mere 3 to 6% of the budget is spent on education all over the world?
• Are we as a society not interested in giving the best education to the next generation?
• Are we ready to give our attention to this long neglected subject yet or do we have to wait for some more students take their lives or squander their lives in trivia and drugs?
• What can be done to correct this grievous situation?

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Take on a tale suspended in time

I have heard this tale so often with minor variations. A take on this oft repeated theme:

Once upon a time, there lived beautiful princess Aesthesia in a dazzling crystal castle on top of a shimmering crystal mountain.

Don’t ask me how or why she reached there!!!

All the brave princes from all over the universe could admire her beauty from far but no one could reach her. They tried climbing the smooth crystal mountain but slid to the ground. Some tried to smash the crystal but the jagged edges hurt, so they retired wounded.

Then came prince Marsiano. ”You silly princess, why don’t you simply slide down the mountain instead?” he said.

“At last a wise prince!” thought Aesthesia “why had I not thought of this before!”

Even I wonder!!!

So Aesthesia slid down the smooth crystal mountain.

When she saw Marsiano, all green and spiky and ugly, she retreated.

“Oh this will never do! You may be the wisest of all but my mother will faint when she looks at you!!” said beautiful Aesthesia.

“And my sisters and mother will die of envy when they see how beautiful you are!” said green spiky Marsiano.

So they moved away and started on their own separate ways.

Suddenly they turned around and said “Oh, but why should we worry about others? This is about our happiness!”

So they walked together into the rising meteor shower, ‘happily ever after’.

But by all accounts there seems to be no ‘happily ever after’.

Most probably the mothers, daughters, fathers, brothers, all the people around behaved as expected and social, economic, psychological pressures tried to ensure that there was no ‘happily ever after’.

However I have come accross some people who live ‘happily ever after’. These people have great strength of character, deep abiding affection, trust and respect for each other.

Friday, August 12, 2005

a tale suspended in time

gallant prince

i know you care
eloquent eyes reveal soul.
a deep, dark agony
freezes my heart,
numbs my soul.

flee cold crystal,
fly away.
you are young and handsome.
may a pretty princess find you,
i pray.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

a tale suspended in time


beautiful princess!
in a crystal castle,
atop a crystal mountain.
all can see
none can reach.

i climb steep crystal.
slip, fall, hurt.
i smash crystal,
i reach your gates.

you wash my wounds,
heal my pain.
i tell you tales from far away lands.
i sing, i jest, to touch your heart.
all in vain!

tell me, o princess,
with eyes that look so far away
what fearsome ogre
do i have to slay
to reach your soul?

Friday, August 05, 2005

Young People and Education

Let us try and recall; when was it that we dreamed our greatest dreams? When was it that we were full of hope, vigor and energy? Of course, when we were young! We are wasting a vast pool of enthusiasm and energy by total lack of attention to what the young people need. We need to think how our society can best utilize this wealth.

Let us ask ourselves “What percentage of learning that we had at school and college do we really use?” Most of us would say “Very little?”

Why? Because what we learn at school and college is not related to the business of living. It is so remote from the skills required for the real life! It is like some hurdles that a student has to cross till he is eligible to join the ranks of adults who are allowed to make some kind of living. School, college, further studies, still further studies ad infinitum… Gradually more and more books and years have been added to courses and the time when a person is considered mature enough to join the adult society has been pushed further, 16, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30…?

The moment a young one matures physically in the plant or animal world, it moves towards creation of the next generation. In case of human species, the human beings are generally not ready and independent to join the stream of life, despite the physical maturity. They have not acquired the skills to live independently by then.

This time lag is one of the causes for the strife in the family; the constant tug of war that goes on between young ones and their parents. There are the young, who are bright, energetic and full of ideas and dreams on one side and the parents who restrain and cling, on the other.

There are a whole lot of parents who try to live their own dreams through their children. There is coercion; emotional, mental and economic. A whole lot of energy is wasted in this conflict. Perhaps the parents can not be blamed. They want the best for their children and want their gene pool to survive and do better. Perhaps the social and economic conditions around them force them to do so.

The girl child gets the brunt of all restrictive traditions and discrimination. The young girls voice these ideas when they are given a chance to express them.

The boys generally enjoy greater freedom and preferential treatment in our patriarchal scheme of things, but they have the pressure to perform and earn a living. This causes a lot of stress in boys too.

Fortunately some educated parents do not discriminate between girls and boys. They are involved in their children’s education but are intelligent enough to give them freedom. Their children fare better but many problems still remain.

For the economically backward, the lower class, minority and lower caste students the pressure is even more intense. The opportunities get blocked due to lack of funds. Despite all the talk about liberty, equality, fraternity and the laws, there is tangible social discrimination. It may not be expressed verbally but it is palpably present, waiting to explode.

Learning is a life long process that continues through the whole life, but we can not lock up our youngsters in schools and colleges and expect them to behave like automatons that we have programmed.

We need a system that can equip the young ones for the future. It should help them to learn the moral, ethical, cultural, social and economic values and skills to lead happy and meaningful lives. Our system of education needs careful thought and reform. The success of the survival of our species depends upon it.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Education and People

We have only a handful of people who are educated in the true sense. We have a whole lot of people who have qualifications on paper but are far from being educated. We have a vast majority that is not even literate. If this situation continues, we will have whole new generations of people who will be unequipped to handle the problems of the future.

I see a lot of tense, unhappy youngsters around me. They are quick to take to drugs, loaf, fight, loose hope and even take their lives. Most of their relations become transient. They are lonely, unable to communicate and form stable bonds with others.

I am surrounded by young people the whole day. I like to interact with people of all ages. I find that the current system of education is able to do very little for the young.

They are caught in a web of unrelated learning that is meaningless for them. They are unhappy, bored and tense and are unable to do their best. They waste their energy fighting with each other, their teachers and parents.

Unfortunately the current social and education system is ill equipped to handle do any of this. Most of what is being done in the name of education today tries to kills all originality, creativity and rational thought process.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Dead and Dying

For the past few weeks Death is around me.

Two very close friends, gone for ever.

A very kind, generous old gentleman and a young boy who learnt to walk tall.

An independent old lady now ailing, totally dependent.

Life saving paraphernalia.

Distress seeps into my being.

How Can We Survive?

Anxiety, tension, maladjustment, drugs, heart diseases, mental ailments, cancer and aids we have them all. We are snowed under hate, aggression, racism and communalism. Nuclear weapons, genocide, imperialism, terrorism and wars in the name of religion and nature's backlash threaten to engulf our planet. Are we going to survive or vanish like many lost species?

If we are indeed to survive and solve the problems that beset us we need to pay special attention to education of generation now and generations next. The future generations have to be sensitized, empowered, and strengthened. It is education that can help people to understand the problems at hand, analyze, synergize and find solutions. It is knowledge that can empower people to think independently.

Thursday, July 28, 2005


Every child on this planet has a unique gift for the mankind. We need to nurture the innate abilities of the child so that the child is indeed able to bestow this precious gift upon humanity.

To achieve this, a child should be strong, within and without. The child needs live in harmony with nature and his fellow creatures with sensitivity, compassion and care.

We need to provide an environment in which each child feels secure and happy. We need to foster creativity and originality. Our children need to learn to communicate effectively, so that there is greater understanding amongst the people.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Strong People make a Strong Society

A strong and vibrant society can be created only if its people are strong.

Each one of us must be strong; physically, mentally, emotionally and in spirit. Along with this we need understanding, empathy and compassion. We can help others only when we are strong. And we can help only so much. Each person has to find his or her own deliverance.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Slaves Today!

A wage earner in modern times is almost the same as the slave in ancient days. The chains may not be physical but they are there stronger than ever. They are economic and psychological.

What is an ordinary person today? A slave to a few powerful institutions and companies! A serf with a better name!?

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

People and Society

We are responsible for creating our own society.

Anthropologists have studied so many different cultures and societies. We have seen a wide variety of ethical beliefs, values and norms.

Which values are universal? Honesty? Compassion? Which values, norms and practices vary from culture to culture?

At this point in history when all the cultures meet, when information moves at the speed of light we are in a position to find what is best for all of us. Let us gather the opinion of all the people on the issues that concern us the most.

Why do we vote for people? Why not for issues, norms and laws?

Why are we afraid to talk about values, ethics and norms? Are we growing into an unethical society?

It is we who can find the best ways to adapt and live in harmony as a global society.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Terrorism, War and Responsibility

All of us need to stand up and take our responsibility in the scheme of things.

A soldier cannot kill and shirk his moral, ethical responsibility for killing another human being by saying,”I was ordered by my General”.

A General cannot order the killing of thousands of people, plants, animals, denude earth and then shrug away his responsibility by saying that he was ordered by the head of state.

A revolutionary also can not absolve his guilt by naming a cause or hiding behind a religion. We can not shirk our responsibility by shifting it to another person or some vague principle.

The heads of states and revolutionaries have the greatest responsibility of all. Instead of inciting and justifying violence in the name of God, Religion, Democracy, ‘Our way of life’, they need sit together and sort their differences. They need to find solutions that are fair and just to all.

Injustice, Violence; oral or physical, incite hatred. All of us who stand mute and watch the mayhem thinking that we are secure and safe in our little homes will be next in the firing line. It takes just a few fires to create a holocaust.

Our silence gives tacit support to war and terrorism.

If we do not speak up, do not take action, the violence; conventional,nuclear, biological may spin out of control.

And in the history of universe, we may claim credit for being the only species that made themselves extinct.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Social Technology

Social Technology is the art and craft of applying technology and social knowledge to enhance the human condition.

Modern information and communication technology allows us collect vast amount of authenticated data. In future these technologies are likely to contribute to greater understanding of human societies, their problems and provide insights for their solution.

Social Technology is possible now because we have a substantial body of Social Research available that can be applied to improve the systems that are currently in practice. has more links for reference.

There is a growing awareness that to solve complex social problems we need to integrate knowledge. There are some notable efforts in this direction.

A few governments and non government bodies are trying to use this concept to improve human condition.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Are We Really Equal?

We hear and speak of democracy, equality, liberty and fraternity but these have become mere words. We use them habitually, self-righteously, without thinking. We listen to and make good speeches but the discrimination continues. We just have to look around and see those who are more equal than others and those who are totally deprived.

In a very macroscopic way we may say that all human beings are equal. The old argument is that they are made of the same raw material, flesh and bones etc., hence they are equal.

However if we observe at a micro level, the total number of genetic combinations that go into making us run into googols. Siblings in the same family are different, even the identical twins are different. I have known identical twins who have different abilities, preferences and abilities.

What is most interesting is that the genetic combinations appear to be random. The sons and daughters of the very brilliant, famous and successful are not that able. A brilliant achiever may be born in an illiterate and poor family. In reality each one of us is unique.


All human beings must be treated equally and all human beings should have equal opportunities regardless of their colour, caste creed or gender because we are intelligent, humane and just; not because we are equal.

It is high time that we accepted the differences and learnt to respect the differences. It is these differences that make individuals interesting. If all human beings were identical, of one design and thought, behaved in the same manner, life would be static and extremely boring.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Can we live only by ourselves and for ourselves?

Life is intelligent. All living things and even the non living things are networked; connected to each other in subtle ways. We are like planets, each different, each on its own path, influencing other heavenly bodies. The entire configuration delicately balanced, constantly changing creating new heavenly bodies and annihilating the others.

Sometimes these connections are strong and sometimes they are weak. When we are connected strongly to some people and even the inanimate objects, the influence is greater. Even when the connection is remote and weak, we are affected for sure. El Nino in one corner of the world affects the whole planet. Theory of Chaos does not speak in vain. The influence may take time to reach us, but reach us it will, slowly and surely.

We can not have an economy of excess in one part of the world and economy of starvation in another. Why do we, the well fed citizens, feel uncomfortable when we see poverty, hunger, disease, death and destruction? For, even as each one of us is unique, each one of us is connected to all others. In the well being of all lies the well being of each one and hope for the future.

The nature is abundant and generous. There are enough resources to go around. All we need to do is overcome our fears and learn to share. We can learn to give a little when we are blessed with so much. It does not auger well for us if some of us throw food into the sea while the others die of hunger, hunger that can be prevented easily. We need to become sensitive to other people’s needs.

We need tolerance, compassion, cooperation, harmony, a global perspective if are to end the chaos and strife. All the people in the world need to put their heads together to solve the problems that beset us and ensure that each human being can live with dignity and achieve his full potential.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Are We Mere Animals?

I have great respect for the biologists who work very hard and study various animal species very patiently. They greatly add to our knowledge. But some people tend to look at animal species and map human behavior to that of animals. They tend to justify any behavior because some animal species have similar behavior. We do not need to emulate the behavior of animals. We can not!

And animal behavior is so varied! Which species are we going to follow; apes, chimps, dolphins, ants or hummingbirds? All species have adapted their behavior to survive and flourish. Why should we emulate the behavior some species?

We have a long cultural, social and scientific history of growth. And somewhere along the line there was a big jump in the intelligence. This increased intelligence and the social cultural factors have made humans very different from the other species. All that is true for animals may not be true for human beings. The ability of human beings to record and transfer collective knowledge from one generation to another has made human beings very different from the other species.

We are the only species on this planet that uses symbols and words to solve problems, convey ideas, thoughts and emotions. We draw, paint, make music, choreograph dance, create beautiful buildings and build new marvels of technology. We are driven by the desire to know the secrets of life, to create beauty, to explore the universe. We classify, formalize, codify all we learn, be it music or mathematics.

At this point in time we really do not know why and how all this happened. We are definitely different from the other species on this planet. Perhaps a little more intelligent than the other species! We not just animals.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

All of Us Need To Think

Will We Survive?

If we look at the world today, we find that change and growth in science and technology is rapid but the process of adjustment to these is slow indeed. Physically, emotionally and spiritually we remain almost the same as our ancient ancestors. The social cultural growth has been painstakingly slow. Our educational systems, ethical systems, religions, social structures and norms date back to ancient times. They are unable to keep pace with change that technology brings into our lives.

This variable pace is a major cause of anxiety and strife. The chaos that we see around ourselves at this point in time is mainly because of this.

I have great respect for all the prophets and leaders who preached the code to their followers and lead them successfully through difficult times to survive successfully. Perhaps what they taught was extremely relevant at that point in time. How ever what was relevant then may not be relevant any more.

Now with almost instant communication and meeting of various cultures, we all need to sit back and think of ways to end strife. If we do not, nuclear and biological wars may not be too far off. As such the tensions and diseases take their toll. Nature may strike back with all its fury. If we do not pay attention now it may be too late after a while.

We need to re examine our belief systems dispassionately. We need to look at our educational systems, ethical systems, religions, social structures and norms again. Are they relevant in our times? Do they give us peace within and without? It is a difficult task but it is possible. We need to apply all our brains to modify these systems or replace them with new ones, so that our species may indeed survive.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Will We Survive?

Let us pause for a while and think about ourselves. We, the human beings on this planet, are unique indeed. We are the only species on this planet that uses symbols and words to solve problems, convey ideas, thoughts and emotions.

We draw, paint, make music, choreograph dance, create beautiful buildings and build new marvels of technology. We are driven by the desire to know the secrets of life, to create beauty, to explore the universe. We classify, formalize, codify all we learn, be it music or biology.

We are the only species that seek to transmit all this knowledge from one generation to another. This knowledge is not mere survival skills transferred by other species. This vast body of knowledge is far beyond that. This process of transfer and accumulation of knowledge has helped us progress gradually and build a complex civilization.

In our quest for knowledge, we find that technology has grown at a rapid pace. Research in Genetics, Robotics, Computers, Information technology, media and Communication is promising new worlds. Artificial intelligence, cloning, genetic modifications, creation of new species are just round the corner. It is an intrepid new world that we are moving into.

At this point in time, we also roam the earth. We regard ourselves as the masters. We strive to control everything around us; the plants, the animals, the non living. We seek to conquer space, age, disease and death.

However even as life spans are getting longer, life is getting more anxious. Tension, maladjustment, drugs take the young and old for their own. Heart diseases, mental ailments, cancer and aids take all. We are swamped with the images of hate, aggression, racism, communalism, war, nuclear weapons, global warming, nature’s fury, terrorism, imperialism and genocide.

If the theory of evolution is true then the human species may or may not survive through eons. Our fascination for dinosaurs is not just by chance. Like us, they were the most abundant species on this planet and then they vanished. It’s only a few species that have survived through ages, bacteria, virus, cockroaches and ants to name a few.

So what is the future of the human species? Will we survive? If so how? Like the bacteria and virus that are able to create their own copies and mutate enough to survive any onslaught or like the insects with their group survival techniques and adaptations? We strive desperately to gain insights through genetic studies and studies of societies.

While we talk of evolution and study other species to get an understanding of our own behavior, deep down we realize that we are different. Are there any other species like our own, somewhere in this universe? If only we could communicate with them and study how they solve their problems, we may be able to get some insights into our problems. So we scan the skies with our SETI telescopes looking for intelligences, civilizations like our own.

Will we be the survivors or will we vanish soon?

Saturday, June 18, 2005


permeate my being.
i can not live
without you.

you can barely convey
what i think
and feel.

inadequate words!

Thursday, June 16, 2005

How to cope with loss & pain

When we lose someone or something that is very precious; the grief is intense. Pain, memories, questions haunt us. We feel that we will never recover. Nothing in the whole world seems to matter. We feel we will never be the same again; never really laugh, never recover, never be whole again.

However it is possible to heal emotionally, mentally, physically and in spirit and become a compassionate, feeling, laughing human being again.

I hope some of these insights may help you cope better:

• Work or people around you may make you forget your pain for a while but you must gradually face it.

• Talk to a friend, share your sorrow.

• Talk to a compassionate stranger, if you can’t find a friend.

• Let your pain come out. Let the tears flow. It is alright to cry even if you are a boy or a girl or a man or a woman or any creature on this planet. Even animals shed tears.

• Try and remember the good times, the positives.

• Listen to your favorite music.

• Walk in the garden, smell the flowers, listen to the birds.

• Watch the moon, the stars, the ocean or the mountains.

• Draw, paint or write.

• Take care of a few plants or a pet even if you are in an apartment.

• Do whatever gives you peace; gardening, cooking, fishing.

• Volunteer to help with young children. Their spontaneity, their laughter will soothe you.

• Involve yourself with social work. When you involve yourself with other people’s lives, you gain many insights to cope better.

• Participate in any activity you may enjoy; drama, surfing, deep sea diving, rock climbing, rafting, bungee jumping.

• Connect with like minded, kind and gentle people even if you feel hesitant.

• It is good to laugh. So watch that funny movie and laugh. Meet nice people, share joys and laugh.

Life is beautiful. It has many wonderful surprises in store for you. So go ahead smile, visit new places, meet new people and you never know where you may find a miracle.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Monday, June 06, 2005

please go

it does not go.
no matter
what i say

how much
i smile
cajole or laugh.

within me
has a permanent home.

fragments of another lifespacetime

Sunday, June 05, 2005

they say

they say you are dead.
why is it, i still find you
deep inside my head.

fragments of another lifespacetime

Saturday, June 04, 2005


o gods leave him be.
you have imbibed enough blood,
leave the shell to me.

fragments of another lifespacetime

Friday, June 03, 2005


they envy our bliss.
like enemies, they conspire
to take you away.

fragments of another lifespacetime

Thursday, June 02, 2005


please gods!
take me,
instead of him.

fragments of another lifespacetime

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

can’t recall


fragments of another lifespacetime

Tuesday, May 31, 2005


gentle reeds sway winds.
minds flow, swirl, mingle
ever so leisurely.

we are beautiful!
languid dreams
we create a wonderful world.

we are young!
we have all eternity
to warm the afternoon sun.

fragments of another lifespacetime

Monday, May 30, 2005


you are with me
even when you are
not with me.

fragments of another lifespacetime

Sunday, May 29, 2005


my paintings dance,
colours think melodies,
hues sing fragrances,
thoughts inhale harmonies.

fragments of another lifespacetime

Saturday, May 28, 2005


speak softly
you speak
to my mind.

touch me
ever so
for you
touch my heart.

hold me
for you
hold my essence.

fragments of another lifespacetime

Friday, May 27, 2005


silence, winds caress skin
moon smiles, waves dance with our toes
we speak without words.

fragments of another lifespacetime

Wednesday, May 25, 2005


we sit
beside each other
chaste children
don’t talk or touch.

just devour
each other
with our eyes.

fragments of another lifespacetime

Tuesday, May 24, 2005


halcyon blue
all alone
but i sense it is you

fragments of another lifespacetime

Monday, May 23, 2005


just a glance, no words
crowded room full of strangers
minds speak together

fragments of another lifespacetime

Sunday, May 22, 2005


I stand at the edge
of the universe,
I scatter stardust
in the deep dark space.

I watch…
It spins and dances.
Fires leap, exploding.
Heavens reverberate
to the sound of creation.

Time spirals,
wrapping space,
devouring stardust.
spiraling into infinity.

Déjà vu…
I smile.
I touch SpaceTime
ever so gently.
And the stardust dances again.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Master, Alien and Ignoramus

(This was written a few weeks ago but holds true all the time. Only the names and countries change.)

As I sat watching a late night discussion on the TV, a tiny alien flopped on the chair next to me with a musical tinkle. Before I could register my surprise at the handsome Alien, he said, “Relax, we have been receiving some strange high frequency signals from your planet. I have come to here to find what exactly is going on”.

Of all the creatures on the planet, he had come to me, the Ignoramus! What do we, the people know? So off we went to The Wise Master for the answers. The Master welcomed us and the TV flashed the breaking news:

“U.S. President George Bush calls on Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to inform him of the sale of F16s to Pakistan. Manmohan Singh expresses displeasure and says that such a move will escalate tension and arms race in the region.”

There was a barrage of questions from the Alien, “Who is George Bush? Who is Manmohan Singh? Who is Pakistan? What is F16?...”

The Master spoke patiently, “Our beautiful planet Earth is divided into many countries.”

“What are countries?” the Alien interrupted.

“We draw a boundary on the land. The people within one boundary belong to one country while, the people within another boundary belong to another country. The master drew a few closed lines on the floor to illustrate. Now for a moment, let us say that you belong to a country called Pakistan, Ignoramus here belongs to India and I belong to the U.S. When you belong to a country you must love the people your own country and hate every one else. You can even kill them in the name of freedom, human rights, democracy as and when required.”

“But why must I kill the other people?” asked the surprised Alien.

“Because you must be patriotic.” said the master.

“But why must I hate the people of my own species?” persisted the Alien.

“Because when you hate others you will be suspicious and insecure and so will the people in the other countries. And when you feel insecure, you will buy weapons and planes like F16 to drop nuclear bombs, from a rich and powerful country. You naturally want to defend your self, don’t you? And what will your neighboring countries do? They will also start shopping for more powerful weapons and planes. This is known as ‘Balance of Power’”, said the Master.

Just then the news broke again:

“U.S. offers ‘F16, F18s and cooperation in Nuclear Power Sector for Peace’ to India also.”

“But no where in any universe do the people of the same species kill their own species for nothing!!! After all a boundary can not make any difference?” wailed the Alien.

“You do not understand! What about the Economy of the Rich and Powerful countries? The people in these countries need jobs. When India and Pakistan both buy F16s and other assorted weapons from rich countries, the people in these countries will get more jobs. They will be happy. See, how we bring happiness into so many lives!

The Rich countries can sell their Obsolete Weapons and Technologies to the Developing and Impoverished countries. The Developing and Impoverished countries are happy because they have weapons to defend themselves. They vie with each other and scramble to buy any old weapon that gives them a sense of security. They feel proud of their arsenal. How does it matter if they become more impoverished in the process? That is a minor matter.

The Rich and Powerful countries can then use all that money to make even better weapons so that they can bring Peace and Democracy to the whole world. The whole cycle can be repeated endlessly.”

“Weapons to bring peace!?! What if the people in different countries stop hating each other?” cried the Alien.

“Ah! That we must not allow. We can easily use diplomatic pressure, psychological paranoia and well designed propaganda to ensure that all countries behave in the manner that is expected. We are the Wisest of all species on this planet. Look at our Technology, our Economy our Governance! But you must rest now. You are our honoured guest. Ignoramus and I shall show you our beautiful planet after you have dined and relaxed. You have a lot to learn yet.”

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Beautiful People

We have everything;
power, pelf,
and zing.

Then why
this emptiness,
a black hole of ennui?

We build fences,
hungry eyes
seep into our beings.

We try not to think,
dying children
haunt our dreams.

This is not our want,
our war.
Then why this agony?
Could it be that we are all connected?