Friday, September 30, 2005

True Democracy

Social Technology for a Better Future

At the moment we have indirect democracy. We elect people who are supposed to represent us.

Let us look at the democracies around the world.

Can every person vote? We know that some people can not vote because they are not registered. Some are coerced by the powerful to vote for them. We are all familiar with rigging, ballot snatching, class, caste, race equations.

Who can stand for an election? Only those, who can spend money to campaign. They generally gather funds from people, corporate houses or MNCs with a tacit understanding that favours would be returned.

What do we get too choose? This political party or that.First one party, then the other, then the first…. The condition of the ordinary people does not improve.

What do we land up with? A kind of oligarchy, mostly unresponsive governance that is riddled with inefficiency and corruption. Most of the time the governments just mess along till it is time for the next election. They do not generally reflect the opinion of the people.

They hardly represent the people who elected them.

When accurate data gathering becomes possible we may be able to vote for issues that affect us directly. We could have a direct vote on any issue as and when required. This could again be stared in a small way, at local level of a village or a city. It could then be extended to larger areas.