Social Technology for a Better future
Through the collective effort of various generations of human beings, we have gathered a vast amount of knowledge. This has been possible only because of our unique ability to store and transmit knowledge from one generation to another.
This knowledge is not mere survival skills transferred by other species. This vast body of knowledge has helped human beings to progress gradually and build a complex civilization.
At this point in time we are the only species on this planet that uses symbols and words to solve problems, convey ideas, thoughts and emotions. We draw, paint, make music, choreograph dance, create beautiful buildings and build new marvels of technology. We are driven by the desire to know the secrets of life, to create beauty, to explore the universe. We classify, formalize, codify all we learn, be it music or mathematics.
This has lead to greater and greater specialization in many diverse fields. One human being in the course of one life time can perhaps specialize in 1 or 2 to 5 different areas.
What we need now is that the people who have in depth knowledge of their field should join hands with people in other fields to try and integrate knowledge. Regular discussions on the internet, meetings and brainstorming could help.
A social sector worker may have great understanding of the problems of the society but may be totally unaware of the strides made in Biology or Technology that could help solve these problems. The integration of knowledge may provide us with insights to solve the complex social problems. It may allow us to look at the larger picture.