Thursday, July 07, 2005

Can we live only by ourselves and for ourselves?

Life is intelligent. All living things and even the non living things are networked; connected to each other in subtle ways. We are like planets, each different, each on its own path, influencing other heavenly bodies. The entire configuration delicately balanced, constantly changing creating new heavenly bodies and annihilating the others.

Sometimes these connections are strong and sometimes they are weak. When we are connected strongly to some people and even the inanimate objects, the influence is greater. Even when the connection is remote and weak, we are affected for sure. El Nino in one corner of the world affects the whole planet. Theory of Chaos does not speak in vain. The influence may take time to reach us, but reach us it will, slowly and surely.

We can not have an economy of excess in one part of the world and economy of starvation in another. Why do we, the well fed citizens, feel uncomfortable when we see poverty, hunger, disease, death and destruction? For, even as each one of us is unique, each one of us is connected to all others. In the well being of all lies the well being of each one and hope for the future.

The nature is abundant and generous. There are enough resources to go around. All we need to do is overcome our fears and learn to share. We can learn to give a little when we are blessed with so much. It does not auger well for us if some of us throw food into the sea while the others die of hunger, hunger that can be prevented easily. We need to become sensitive to other people’s needs.

We need tolerance, compassion, cooperation, harmony, a global perspective if are to end the chaos and strife. All the people in the world need to put their heads together to solve the problems that beset us and ensure that each human being can live with dignity and achieve his full potential.