Saturday, July 16, 2005

Terrorism, War and Responsibility

All of us need to stand up and take our responsibility in the scheme of things.

A soldier cannot kill and shirk his moral, ethical responsibility for killing another human being by saying,”I was ordered by my General”.

A General cannot order the killing of thousands of people, plants, animals, denude earth and then shrug away his responsibility by saying that he was ordered by the head of state.

A revolutionary also can not absolve his guilt by naming a cause or hiding behind a religion. We can not shirk our responsibility by shifting it to another person or some vague principle.

The heads of states and revolutionaries have the greatest responsibility of all. Instead of inciting and justifying violence in the name of God, Religion, Democracy, ‘Our way of life’, they need sit together and sort their differences. They need to find solutions that are fair and just to all.

Injustice, Violence; oral or physical, incite hatred. All of us who stand mute and watch the mayhem thinking that we are secure and safe in our little homes will be next in the firing line. It takes just a few fires to create a holocaust.

Our silence gives tacit support to war and terrorism.

If we do not speak up, do not take action, the violence; conventional,nuclear, biological may spin out of control.

And in the history of universe, we may claim credit for being the only species that made themselves extinct.