We hear and speak of democracy, equality, liberty and fraternity but these have become mere words. We use them habitually, self-righteously, without thinking. We listen to and make good speeches but the discrimination continues. We just have to look around and see those who are more equal than others and those who are totally deprived.
In a very macroscopic way we may say that all human beings are equal. The old argument is that they are made of the same raw material, flesh and bones etc., hence they are equal.
However if we observe at a micro level, the total number of genetic combinations that go into making us run into googols. Siblings in the same family are different, even the identical twins are different. I have known identical twins who have different abilities, preferences and abilities.
What is most interesting is that the genetic combinations appear to be random. The sons and daughters of the very brilliant, famous and successful are not that able. A brilliant achiever may be born in an illiterate and poor family. In reality each one of us is unique.
All human beings must be treated equally and all human beings should have equal opportunities regardless of their colour, caste creed or gender because we are intelligent, humane and just; not because we are equal.
It is high time that we accepted the differences and learnt to respect the differences. It is these differences that make individuals interesting. If all human beings were identical, of one design and thought, behaved in the same manner, life would be static and extremely boring.