Sunday, July 03, 2005

All of Us Need To Think

Will We Survive?

If we look at the world today, we find that change and growth in science and technology is rapid but the process of adjustment to these is slow indeed. Physically, emotionally and spiritually we remain almost the same as our ancient ancestors. The social cultural growth has been painstakingly slow. Our educational systems, ethical systems, religions, social structures and norms date back to ancient times. They are unable to keep pace with change that technology brings into our lives.

This variable pace is a major cause of anxiety and strife. The chaos that we see around ourselves at this point in time is mainly because of this.

I have great respect for all the prophets and leaders who preached the code to their followers and lead them successfully through difficult times to survive successfully. Perhaps what they taught was extremely relevant at that point in time. How ever what was relevant then may not be relevant any more.

Now with almost instant communication and meeting of various cultures, we all need to sit back and think of ways to end strife. If we do not, nuclear and biological wars may not be too far off. As such the tensions and diseases take their toll. Nature may strike back with all its fury. If we do not pay attention now it may be too late after a while.

We need to re examine our belief systems dispassionately. We need to look at our educational systems, ethical systems, religions, social structures and norms again. Are they relevant in our times? Do they give us peace within and without? It is a difficult task but it is possible. We need to apply all our brains to modify these systems or replace them with new ones, so that our species may indeed survive.