my core is heavy
winds awry
crust quavers
oceans surge askew.
melting glaciers
exploding volcanoes
floods famines fires.
changes in weather.
how long do you think
can I bear
the burden
of all your misdeeds?
pile concrete
upon my crust,
dig hollows
to steal my gold,
belch poisons
into my air,
pour rank filth
into my waters,
kill all species
for your greed.
and now
you drop bombs
fire missiles
by mega tons.
do you think
my crust
does not weaken
when you drop bombs?
do you think
heat and pressure
do not disturb
the dynamic balance
of winds and oceans?
why do you need weapons?
to kill all life?
once a weapon is made
it will be used for sure.
I have watched
for eons.
species have come
and gone.
if you do not
you may as well
be the next.