A young teenager is in the ICU because of Exam Panic Attack. God knows how many more all over India, all over the world.
Agreed, we don’t know what to do with the kids once they are born. So bung them into schools and colleges with overworked, underpaid teachers and professors. Then have "External Examinations" conducted by bodies that are only concerned about "Setting Syllabi" and "Conducting Examinations".
Who is bothered about what happens to the young people in schools and colleges?
Are they really learning anything? What about their physical, mental and emotional health? What about their spirit that is trampled upon, crushed along the way?
When are we going to change the system that does this to human beings? And it is all so unnecessary!
Please pray for this teen and all others who are in a similar situation. Please think about this. Please work towards changing this system.