Alien and Ignoramus
“Ah, Ignoramus, upset again?”
“Yes Al, human beings never cease to amaze me.
As I move through varied spaces I meet people; strong, sensitive, generous, giving and caring. Silently they lend a hand to all those struggling for a breath. Very quietly they help others to take a step, speak a word.
Then I move though spaces of inane chatter, endless similarity, cyclic repetition, mindless imitation, fake images, false egos, me, me, me and mine. Harmless perhaps, if in this endless race for a better symbol they do not harm the others.
And then there are spaces where there is a deliberate attempt to grab, snatch, injure, harm and annihilate others. This could be greed, indifference, bad policy or a concerted malicious intent. Look at India, Africa, and Middle East!
Are these human beings? Do they belong to the same species?”
“Yes Ig they seem to.”
“But Al, how can it be? Why does this happen? Can this negativity not be changed?”
“Ig, you think of the most difficult tasks! Let us think.”