Ignoramus thinks some more!
“O Master! I have thought about Spirit too.”
“Good, Ignoramus, tell me more.”
“Spirit is the intelligent, immaterial, indomitable part of a human being. It drives us to seek answers, move onwards despite all odds. It impels us to move beyond ourselves, move beyond all boundaries; beyond space, beyond time, beyond life. “
“Very good Ignoramus, what now?”
“What we need now is
Spirit Quotient: A score to determine the level to which our spirit has grown.
It is a measure of:
• our positive attitude and strength of purpose
• our empathy, compassion, understanding of ourselves and others
• our faculty to think beyond ourselves, willingness to lend a hand in the growth of others
• our enthusiasm to relate to the living and the non living entities
• our ability to see beyond the immediate present, to relate to the past, the present and the future
• our capacity to relate to this planet and beyond
• our willingness to explore and understand material and non material, little understood aspects of the universe”
“Is this Spirit Quotient related to a particular religion?”
“No. Spirit Quotient is not associated with any religion or sect. “
“Will the Spirit Quotient remain constant for a person?”
“No. It is likely to change with time. It may increase or decrease in time. It is likely to grow as we grow, our spirit grows.”