Saturday, September 30, 2006


a journey within
is perhaps
more arduous than
a journey without.

deep crevices
dark caves
sudden curves
strange shadows.

fires thunder
rains blow winds
blinding lightning
tenuous landscape.

a gaze down the cliff
a rest on the seabed
a dance with the cosmos
suddenly glorious light.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


a gossamer sheen
closed eyes look deep inside
it’s glorious light!

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Young Buddha

This is a digital photograph of a 3’ by 3’ Oil Painting. It has been painted by Shobhit Kaushal. He is very young, still learning.

Please look at the concept and the background. It is very interesting.

Right now this painting graces the office of “Make a Wish Foundation”.

© Shobhit Kaushal

Friday, September 08, 2006


will my bones simply melt away?
turn into flakes?
turn into cells?
simply vanish?

they tell me i need another chemo.
another chemo?
another radio?

each day i watch
papa grow older
mama grow thinner
footsteps of another session.

if only my bones would melt away
simply vanish
may be at the next chemo
may be at the next radio.

May those bones morph into steel.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

After The Exchange

Alien and Ignoramus

“So, Ignoramus how was the experience of having my persona for a day?”

“Oh Al, I found so much knowledge, such deep understanding, enormous empathy, immeasurable power, immense compassion and vast responsibility! And being beyond all!!

Now I understand what you meant by ‘it would be very painful’. Oh Al!

How did you feel being Ignoramus?”

“Ignoramus I understood how it was to live with little knowledge, limited resources, artificial boundaries, darkness of ignorance, helplessness. Oh Ig!”

“Tell us more Al that we may overcome our ignorance.”

“I will Ig, I will when I find words that you may understand.”